Monday, July 18, 2011

Things that make my hometown great: #9 The Botanical Garden of the Ozarks

I've never been real artsie, fartsie. Just a simple guy with simple taste. But I have to admit I am impressed by one of Fayetteville's cultural amenities, The Botanical Garden of the Ozarks. It is a beautiful place with wonderful things to see. When I get determined, I'll jog the 5 mile track from Lake Fayetteville that runs through it. So by the time I determined again, the seasons have changed.

I guess I'm also in admiration of the dedication, perseverance, and commitment of the people, who for many years, struggled to make the garden a reality. They not only rallied the folks from Fayetteville for which its location they were to be privy, but made outstanding campaign of its valued to the entire region. I remember as a member of the Northside Fayetteville Rotary, how we were so inspired by their efforts that we put forth a major fundraising campaign with our sister club, Downtown Fayetteville Rotary and purchased a beautiful arbor and roses for a designated section of the garden - well worth every bit of effort put into it.

The Garden is supported by the community and by the Botanical Society of the Ozarks. It has become a social venue as well, hosting concerts and a Sunday Farmers Market, among a few of its notable events.
Like I said, I'm not normally into things of this nature, but I'm beginning to be more and more. Quality likes this is hard not to like.

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