Monday, July 11, 2011

Man's got to know his limitations: Especially on his own grill.

Our lives our in flux. We went from one of three children left at home to a full house with permanent and part time house guests. There were not a lot of demands made on dinner (...supper or whatever you choose to refer to it as at your house) until June rolled around. As such, adjusting to who would be and who wouldn't be joining us for the traditional evening meal was just the beginning.....we also had to come to an acknowledgement of grill capacity. We grill in the summer and do everything to avoid using the oven, especially this summer with its unfathomably hot days.

The gas grill is a large size Charmglow from Lowes (not an endorsement , trust me) and the smoker is a traditional Brinkman side box.

With all this cooking space, you'd think I could run a small hole in the wall restaurant, but that just depends on what the troop is hongry (to be more than just hungry) for that particular evening. My case in point is my last blitzkrieg strategy for cooking Hamburgers and Corn-on-the-Cob. We like to grill our Corn-on-the-Cob. Just leave it in the shuck and soak it in salt water (Sea Salt) for a couple of hours and then put it on the grill til soft.

The hamburger trick is something Judy picked-up. I quit making fun of her new cooking techniques when I found her researching the Food Network and Guy Fieri. Anyway, TIP: put a thumb dent in your hamburger patties, helps cook evenly throughout the meat. All of this is well and good, unless; you overload your grill in an attempt to get-r-done without due diligence. The results can be frightening.

It took a lot of hustle, but everything turned out fine. We men just have to remember that cooking is not a sport but a talent. It requires knowledge with a dash of experience, a pinch of persevering endeavor to become great, and of course an acceptance of our limitations.

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