Sunday, July 10, 2011

Introducing the Dogs - Boogie & Moogie

Every family has their stories, Boogie & Moogie are one of our many but lingering stories. Born of an unexpected mother, who herself was a mercy gift that just didn't work for the intended recipient. We were making our way out of Nebraska on one of our many trips to visit and catch up with family. It was decided that we would stop in Omaha and hug necks with Judy's beloved sister and mercifully reluctant foster owner of these fatherless puppies and their not so reserved mother. (Oh laugh, that was funny.)

 They were the last of their siblings to be picked for homes, and the sorrow for their plight overcame my three, soft-hearted children with cries of.....Please Dad, Please Mom. Long, long story, very, very short - they've been with us now 10 years, they are in remarkable health, and grow grouchier everyday. Their mother was a ill-reputted (**SEG**) Lhasa Apso and the Vet surmises that their scoundrel of a father, where ever he may be, was probably a Springer Spaniel. Never trust a hunting dog or any hound dog for that matter. Life goes on.

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