Sunday, July 10, 2011

Introducing the Dogs - Little Richard

We are not the kind of people that spend money on dogs. Purebreds and Designers just aren't that important. Probably because of Judy's Farm background and my Mother's farm background we just never made that a prerequisite of dog ownership. I've paid money for a purebred Dachshund one time, but I think she had been really abused and the relationship just never got there. The second dog I ever paid money for was Little Richard, purebred, solid white, American Bulldog. He was birthday present for Adam, he had wanted an English Bulldog (Fayetteville HS Mascot) but at $1200 he had to settled for a $200 American. As Adam prepares to leave for Flight School the dog has become mine by default. Lucky Me.
Many people, at first glance mistake Little Richard for a Pitbull. But normally if they take the time for further physical and spiritual inspection they find the breed from which the star of the Little Rascals came from and a heart of Ferdinand the Bull. Many a contractor and repairman have wanted me to know that my big dog, in fact, runs protective interference against the much more viscous but visually less threatening Boogie and Moogie, the little grouchy mutt twins we rescued 10 years ago. But that's another story all together.
Little Richard make get-togethers on the deck and almost         impossibility. Unless you have friends that our adamant animal enthusiasts or have some masochist fetish about being beaten at their next cocktail party. You just give thanks for gates and fences, lots of them, big ones....

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