Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Things that make my hometown great: #8 The Trail System

Okay, this is confession time. When everyone started talking about a pedestrian/bike trail that would not only take you through Fayetteville, but eventually through all of Northwest Arkansas - I was a stone cold critic; "waste of resources", "no one will ever use it", "just a place for vagrants and thugs to hide out".  So even when a group of determined people convinced city leaders and the parks department that this was not only an asset but vital to the evolution of quality living in Fayetteville, I watch with eyes rolled to the sky. Color me stupid.

Once I took a ride down the section of trail known as Skull Creek, I was not only a fan but a big supporter of the regional trail beginning to take shape and connecting all of Northwest Arkansas.

The peaceful walk or rides on these trails cannot be found in parks or along streets. These trails are unique in their experience and I congratulate those brilliant individuals whose perseverance resulted in such a wonderful community asset. BTW, The art collection that's beginning to grow along the trail is pretty neat too.

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