Monday, July 11, 2011

Introducing the Cat - Duke

Duke our cat is the prince of the neighborhood. He comes and goes as he sees fit and eats only where they're serving the best morsels. Even his feline buddies pay him homeage - he's just that cool. When we first got him, he proved himself worthy of my respect and admiration by clearing our home of a mole infestation. Since then I have declared him untouchable and of more value than anything else on the property.
I would like to tell you that he was named for one of my personal heroes, John Wayne. But regrettably his full name is Duke Nukem, nuff said. Unlike many tom cats, Duke is affectionate with personality plus. That's a quality that makes him even more endearing as a feline.

He's 11 yrs old, and is starting to show he's age (like many others around here) and I'm not sure we'll ever be able to find another like him.

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